Above is a set of logo iterations to brand this event in a new and potentially thematic way. I ended up using the same pieces from the first event logo, just re-arranged with the "8" as a negative space element between the "7"s and adding "No.2" in Helvetica font.

In order to keep with our goal of bringing the newest and best of what the Ottawa area has to offer, we decided to ask our friends and artists from the past event for their input on potential acts and things to include this time around. This was posted in the "787.2" event page on facebook before any other details were announced.

The next information post that I uploaded was for these three formatting guidelines and ideas for visual artists to display their work while still giving me enough freedom to plan the wall space in the area of the house that we were using for the gallery. We ended up not using the "787 Photo Grid" template as it was too limiting for the second attempt at this arts nights, but I imagine that with enough attempts at this event, some photographers or painters would be interesting in following this format for an event exclusive compilation of their work.

On the left is the final poster that I posted a few weeks before the event. Some exciting updates that we implemented this time around included live painting by my friends Natasha and Maeve, I wider range of clothing brands and a more diverse line-up of musical acts.
The last minute details seen on the right were posted only a few days before the event to let people know about set times, information for last minute visual artists, the Snap-chat Geofilter, the event stickers and posters to buy, and the (totally legal) bar that we set up in our backyard to cover costs of renting PA and live music equipment.

Snap Chat Geo-filter, Coaster Template and Stickers.

Proof that it happened! All photos courtesy of Eric Auvaart (pictured bottom right) and supporting members of ott.film (on instagram) Belal, Danny and Logan.